Thought For The Day
Be You
“It is about more than about hitting 4s and 6s. It is about people management. It about ‘the quiet person in the corner’. That is the great quality Ben Stokes and Brendon McCullum have. They can see the quiet person in the corner, they do not ignore the quiet person in the corner, and try and get the best out of them…Stokes always talks about not worrying about the results too much and concentrating on the process and staying in the moment… Stokes is very empathetic character. He is a very selfless cricketer. He would do things himself he would not ask others to do. He is a remarkable cricketer and a remarkable and fabulous captain…Captaincy is about more than the results alone … Stokes and McCullum are right to bring an element of fun and enjoyment (creating memories). That will be married with a determination to be the best they can be. They try and make the environment as enjoyable as possible.”
(Michael Atherton, writer, broadcaster and former England men’s cricket captain, explaining the current approach to leading the England men’s cricket test team this week, referencing quotes by current managing director of the England men’s cricket Team, Rob Key, and former England men’s captain, Mike Brearley)
We are all sacred, special and unique.
We all have a contribution to make.