Ofsted 2023
The Bishop’s Stortford High School continues to be an outstanding school.
Ofsted 2023
Teachers’ sharp focus upon oral accuracy means that pupils translate this into excellent written work
Ofsted 2023
Sixth formers are excellent role models for the younger pupils. Many run extra-curricular clubs and organise school events with governors and staff.
Ofsted 2023
Leaders and teachers continue to deliver high-quality education
Ofsted 2023
Sixth-form students regularly secure the top grades at A level.
Ofsted 2023
The curriculum is thoughtfully planned and structured, so that pupils learn a wide breadth and balance of essential knowledge.
Ofsted 2023
When they join the school, all pupils are strongly encouraged to take part in the house competitions and the clubs.
Ofsted 2023
Pupils make excellent progress.
Ofsted 2023
Pupils’ willingness to put others first is impressive.
Ofsted 2023
Pupils are polite, well mannered and kind.
Ofsted 2023
Leaders and teachers continue to deliver high-quality education
Ofsted 2023
Pupils respond well in lessons. They are articulate and express their opinions in a thoughtful and mature manner.
Ofsted 2023
Sixth-form students are well supported by teachers who know their subject well.
Ofsted 2023
Having exposure early on to a wide set of experiences, including trips and competitions, means that pupils bond quickly and join in with the school’s community spirit.
Ofsted 2023
Pupils are ambassadors for the school, demonstrating excellent behaviours in all that they do.
Ofsted 2023
Teachers are precise in their explanations, and they expect pupils to be equally as precise in their answers.
Ofsted 2023
The Bishop’s Stortford High School continues to be an outstanding school.

Welcome to The Bishop’s Stortford High School
The school’s motto: ‘Respice, Aspice, Prospice’ means we must look to the past, the present and the future.
We are keen to promote traditional values of courtesy, respect and good discipline, though we also recognise the need to provide all our students with the tools they require to flourish and succeed, both now and in the future, and help them develop the skills and qualities that will ensure they are ready for the challenges that lie ahead.
Our focus is on delivering high quality, engaging lessons and providing students with the care and guidance that allows them to succeed. We combine this with our extremely successful and wide-ranging enrichment programme, in which all students are encouraged to participate, as we believe that leading rich and varied lives allows them to flourish.
The Bishop’s Stortford High School continues to be an outstanding school.
Pupils achieve highly at this stunning school.
Behaviour is exemplary in lessons and around the school.
Sixth-form students regularly secure the top grades at A level.
Leaders and teachers have the same high expectations for pupils with SEND.
Pupils are ambitious for their futures.
There are many leadership opportunities, such as being house captain or school councillor, for pupils to enjoy.
Leaders and teachers continue to deliver high-quality education.
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Since joining the school, the headteacher has established an ethos of high aspirations. Staff, parents and pupils are exceptionally positive about the school’s work. The school is highly regarded in the local community.
The excellent curriculum ensures that pupils flourish academically while developing outstanding personal and social skills.
Pupils make excellent progress over time because teachers promote high expectations, through ambitious target setting, rigorous assessment, strong subject knowledge and high-quality teaching.
The extensive programme of enrichment and high-quality, impartial careers information, advice and guidance ensure that pupils and students are very well-prepared to take their next steps in education, employment and/or training.
The outstanding sixth form is highly effective in implementing 16 to 19 study programmes to achieve very successful outcomes. Students develop as resilient and independent learners who are role models for younger pupils.
The school environment is a calm and orderly place to learn. Pupils are polite, confident and articulate. They are rightly proud of their school and eager to speak about their successes.
Senior leaders and governors are rigorous in ensuring that pupils attend regularly and that safeguarding arrangements are effective. The welfare and safety of pupils, including the most vulnerable, is of the highest priority.
The excellent curriculum ensures that pupils flourish academically while developing outstanding personal and social skills.
Disadvantaged pupils’ progress has improved year-on-year and now compares very favourably with the progress of other pupils nationally. Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities make excellent progress when compared to other pupils with similar starting points.
“It is an absolute pleasure to work here. I cannot speak highly enough of the staff, students and parents.” A teacher at TBSHS
The development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural skills is outstanding.
Our House System
At The Bishop’s Stortford High School, we understand that our students’ school experience goes beyond the classroom and memories are made through experience, events and healthy competition. The House system is an important way in which students can immerse themselves in the life of the school outside of lessons and also take on important roles of responsibility.





