Our Expectations and Home School Agreement
This is a simple agreement between the school, pupil and parent which outlines effective ways in which we can agree to work together to foster and maintain respectful and pro-active relationships as your child moves through our school.
School Rules and Expectations
At all times:
At TBSHS we expect students to understand, embrace and demonstrate The Core Habits of Responsible Learning expected of students:
- Be proactive
- Be resilient
- Regularly review work
- Listen carefully and respectfully to others.
- Collaborate to everyone’s’ mutual benefit (collective responsibility for learning)
Arriving at school:
- Students must not be dropped off/collected from the Banjo
- Students should ensure they are on the school site by 8.27am and are fully prepared for work. Latecomers will need to go via the reception, where they will be required to sign in late
- The entrance via reception should only be used by Year 11 and sixth form students, unless signing in late
In lessons:
- Wait quietly outside of classrooms until instructed to enter the room, then do so in a calm, sensible manner
- Bags should be placed out of the way and not on desks. Remove all relevant equipment from your bag in readiness for learning
- Aim to do the best work you can in every lesson, this includes taking pride in the presentation or work and care over the accuracy of literacy (spelling, punctuation and grammar)
- Complete all homework as well as possible, and ensure you do so on time. Failure in either category will result in an after school detention
- Behave appropriately and safely at all times, particularly when handling equipment and chemicals. This also applies to e-Safety and the use of mobile devices and the school network
- Mobile phones should only be used when given specific permission by a member of staff
- Listen carefully and promptly follow all instructions given by a member of staff
- Only students with a prearranged medical/exit card should be allowed out to the toilet during lesson time
- Chairs should be straightened and put under desks at the end of lessons and placed on desks at the end of the day
- All books should be labelled with form, name, teacher and be free from graffiti
- Do not do anything that disrupts learning.
Around the school:
- All students are advised to hire a locker for the year and provide their own padlock to ensure their equipment can be stored safely. This should be used at the beginning and end of lunchtime. Do not place any items on top of lockers
- Walk sensibly and quietly in the School grounds and buildings, keeping to the right in corridors and on the stairs, and keeping to the paths when outside
- Students should only go to the toilet at break and lunchtime unless given specific permission by a member of staff. Bastille toilets are for Years 7 and 8, Churchill toilets are for Years 9 and 10, Science toilets are for Year 11 and 6th form boys. Disabled toilets and toilets for girls are located at various points around the site
- Be considerate of your own health and the health of others
- Do not drop litter at any time. If you see litter in the grounds and buildings, please pick it up and look after the school site.
- Play ball games only in the cage or on the top field, when in use
- Students should not be inside the school building after 1.15pm unless they are in the dining hall, attending a supervised activity or have been given specific permission by a member of staff
- Students are encouraged to make the most of the excellent opportunities available to them and play an active part in extra-curricular life
- Be courteous at all times. At doors and staircases be prepared to stand back and allow members of staff, other students and visitors through
- Inappropriate or offensive language is unacceptable at all times
- All forms of bullying are strongly condemned and will not be tolerated. Students have a responsibility to report any instance of bullying to a member of staff when they become aware of it. If you feel you may be a victim of bullying, inform your tutor or Head of Year immediately. You should not put up with it.
- All graffiti will be treated as vandalism. Students should inform a member of staff about any graffiti or other damage to the School buildings.
- Students may not, without permission, bring any medicine to school. When permission is granted the medicine must be handed in to the school office
- Students must not bring cigarettes, matches, lighters, any tobacco products or e-cigarettes (vapes or any other versions) onto the school site. If found, these will be confiscated, parents informed and appropriate sanctions put in place.
- Controlled or illegal drugs, alcohol, fireworks, offensive or dangerous weapons (real or imitation) are strictly forbidden. If found, these will be confiscated, the police may be informed and the resulting sanction could be permanent exclusion from the school.
- Food and drink should not be consumed in any classrooms or corridors
- At break time, eat only in the playground or, for Year 11 students, on the patio area
- At lunchtime eat all food, including packed lunches, in the dining hall
- Students must clear away their trays and water, and leave the dining room in a tidy state
- Students are encouraged to drink water during the school day. Water bottles should be filled before school and during break time and lunchtime. This must not be left until the very end of those sessions and therefore impact on lesson time.
Uniform and equipment:
- Look smart and wear the School uniform correctly at all times as per the uniform code and do so with pride
- Keep text books and your own exercise books in good condition, carry all books in an appropriate bag
- Leave jewellery, large sums of money and other valuables at home. The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage
- Students may have a mobile phone with them, which must be switched off unless given specific permission to use it by a teacher
- Do not move, borrow or take other people’s property without permission. Any theft will be dealt with very seriously.
Away from the school site:
- Students in Years 7 to 11 must remain on site throughout the school day unless given specific permission by a member of staff. Any student given such permission must sign out in reception before leaving the site
- The School’s expectations apply to all students whilst travelling to and from school or on a school trip
- Conduct yourself in a safe and sensible manner that does not do anything to harm the excellent reputation of the school in the community. This includes e-Safety, especially in the use of the internet and social media. Any incident that impacts on the smooth running of the school, such as unpleasantness or bullying via social media, will be dealt with very seriously.