Student Support Services
All pupils are welcome and valued at The Bishop’s Stortford High School. For those with additional need, the school aims to provide a balanced range of support and curricular experiences, with opportunities for pupils with a wide diversity of interests and aptitudes. This gives our students every chance to fulfil their individual potential.
We operate a ‘whole school’ approach to additional needs. Pupils are assisted by in-class support in mainstream classes. Withdrawal for ‘catch-up’, or specific programmes is also used regularly on a short term basis. The Department, headed by established specialists including a counsellor, is supported by all members of staff, including experienced teaching assistants and higher-level teaching assistants
In-class support, although available throughout the school, is normally concentrated at Key Stage 3 to maximise the progress and achievement of pupils in subsequent examination courses. Pupils and teachers are able to draw on a wide range of resources throughout the school.
Individual Education Plans ( IEPs) are drawn up to guide parents, pupils and staff to meet the pupil’s learning and behavioural needs, and include constructive strategies to help overcome difficulties. We co-operate fully with the LA to ensure that pupils receive specialist support from outside agencies that we are unable to provide within our school expertise.
The school will make every effort to recognise and make provision for the needs of gifted pupils and those with outstanding abilities in particular fields.