The school library is a useful place for homework, studying and reading. If you need help with something, then ask our Librarian, Ms. Mac or a library helper.
Access to the library
Everyone is welcome in the library before and after school, morning break and lunch time. The library is always a quiet work space. Board Games Club takes place in the library on Fridays.
Opening times – Open every day
Before school – 08:00 to 08:25
Break – 10:40 to 11:00
Lunch – 13:00 to 14:00
After school – 15:30 to 16:30 (Years 11, 12 & 13 to 18.00)
Students are asked to begin packing away 5 minutes before the end of the session to ensure they are not late for their lessons. If you are using a computer, please turn off the monitor and tuck in your chair. If you are working at a table, please tuck in your chairs and dispose of any rubbish or recycling in the appropriate bins.
Leisure Reading
Fiction is divided into Children’s Fiction (more suited to Lower School students), Young Adult & Adult. All sections are arranged first by genre (such as Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Sports etc.) and then alphabetically, by the author’s surname.
We also have magazines which are displayed on the magazine stand. Magazines are to be enjoyed in the Library.
We have the Times newspaper every school day and the local paper every Wednesday.
Information Resources & the Library Catalogue
Non-fiction books are arranged by subject; each topic has a number code (called the Dewey number). You can use the catalogue to find non-fiction books. Click on the “Accessit” icon on the Student Gateway in school or out of school and sign in with your school log-in details.
Diversity Section
Resources on life skills, study skills, health matters, relationships, family, growing up & social issues are kept here. Many of these are available to be borrowed.
Reference Section
There is a section of specialist dictionaries, encyclopaedias and textbooks arranged by Dewey order – these must not be taken out of the library.
Audio and EBooks
We subscribe to Wheelers audiobook and e-book collections. Click on the blue & white “eLibrary” icon on the Student Gateway in school or out of school. There are instructions & links for downloading the e-platform app so you can listen on your phone or tablet. You can borrow 2 audiobooks or e-books for a period of 2 weeks, but they can be renewed. You will receive an email warning when your loan is about to expire.
Computers are available before and after school without booking, but you will need to put your name on the sign in sheet for lunch time use. We operate a waiting list system for those students still needing to use computers when all are in use.
We recommend that you belong to both Essex and Hertfordshire Public Libraries to be able to access their online resources (you need to type in the membership number on their library cards).
Borrowing Books
If you want to take a book out, take it to the Issue Desk. Once the book has been borrowed in your name, you must return it or renew it within three weeks.
If the book you wish to take out is currently on loan to another student, you can reserve the book. To do this you need to go to the Issue Desk and ask the Ms. Mac or a library helper to reserve it for you. Once the book becomes available you will be notified and it will be held for you for one week.
Returning and Renewing Books
You must return a book on or before the date shown in the front of the book. To return a book simply hand it in to the Issue Desk, and wait while it is returned on the issue system. You may also return your books to the Book Return Bin outside the library doors.
If you haven’t finished reading/using the book, you can renew the book for a further three weeks. However if someone has reserved the same book you can only renew it once.
Book Recommendations
If you would like to recommend a good book for the Librarian to consider buying for the library, please speak to Ms. Mac or a library helper.
The library sells items such as pens, pencils, rulers, paper and maths equipment. There is a price list displayed within the library.
Library Helpers
In addition to the Librarian, there are voluntary helpers, both students & parents, who help with the day-to-day running of the library. Please ask the Librarian if you are interested.
- No eating or drinking (unless bottled water)
- No noise louder than a whisper
- Settle down quickly with the resources you need
- Appropriate behaviour on the computers (no games)
- Phones should stay in pockets!