Welcome to our Sixth Form
Our Sixth Form provides a unique, dynamic, enjoyable and highly personalised experience that produces outstanding outcomes in the classroom and across all aspects of School life. We pride ourselves on a truly inclusive and outstanding all-round education, combining the importance of academic rigour with extensive opportunities outside the classroom, all delivered by a dedicated team of high-quality professionals.
“Outstanding”. OFSTED said so in 2017 and again in May 2023 and we hope you will agree.
Our Sixth Form is unique and I am tremendously proud to lead it. We deliver a ‘truly all-round education”; a Black and Gold education with amazing opportunities inside and outside the classroom designed to make your vision of success come true.
Your post-16 education is an incredibly exciting time of discovery, hard work, enjoyment and building meaningful and lasting relationships. It is a time to explore your future and take ownership of the path that lies ahead by accessing the flexible, wide ranging academic options within our broad and balanced curriculum. In our Sixth Form you will learn to be independent, resourceful and resilient; equipped with the intellectual agility and strength of character to adapt quickly to an ever-changing world.
To be Black and Gold is to be inspired and challenged every day, by dedicated and passionate staff, who are experts in their field. It means having a relentless and diligent work ethic that provides the foundation for securing the very best academic outcomes.
“Sixth form students regularly secure the top grades at A level” (Ofsted 2023). Over the last two years, on average, 66% of all A-level grades were A* – B.
To be Black and Gold is to receive unrivalled, individualised Post-18 support and guidance. In 2023, 32% of those that chose higher education have gone to Russell Group universities, including five veterinary or medicine places and four places at Oxford or Cambridge University. Many of our pupils choose the apprenticeship pathway and this year have secured roles in banking and finance, insurance, quantity surveying and digital marketing as well as with the Police and Google.
To be Black and Gold is to respect and honour the traditions of our past, whilst being progressive, innovative and dynamic. At its inception, the Sixth Form was envisaged as the flagship of TBSHS, setting the standards for younger pupils and providing active leadership within the school and wider community. This is no less true in 2023 than it was then.
“Sixth formers are excellent role models for the younger pupils. Many run extra-curricular clubs and organise school events with governors and staff” (Ofsted 2023).
The school’s relocation marks the beginning of the next chapter in our rich history and brings with it the opportunity to seek new heights of academic and extra-curricular excellence with cutting-edge facilities and technology.
Being Black and Gold means immersing yourself in our community and the fantastic opportunities we provide; our whole Year 12 Community Cohesion trip; a wide variety of on-site weekly enrichment activities; recreational and representative sport, drama, music and debating (we regularly reach the finals of national schools’ football, debating and public speaking competitions); Sixth Form international trips to Poland, USA, Austria, France, Germany, Guernsey, South Africa and Sri Lanka; performing on stage at the Royal Albert Hall or hearing directly from high profile speakers like Greg James or Clare Balding.
To join TBSHS Sixth Form is a to be part of an inclusive, affirming, exciting and challenging environment. We want you to be a role model who is passionate, imaginative, creative, resilient, diligent, resourceful and kind. We want you to be Black and Gold.
George Munro
Assistant Headteacher, Head of Sixth Form
Sixth Form – The Flagship of our School
We offer a great range of subjects to choose from and we would encourage you to choose the subjects which you enjoy the most and to play to your strengths, whilst also bearing in mind any career aspirations that you may already have. For example, if you wish to become a doctor you would need to study Chemistry and Biology. If you wish to become an engineer, studying Maths will be essential. However, if you are not sure what career path you wish to follow, select subjects that you enjoy or find interesting as we believe that our happiest students are our best performing and most motivated. Our own students are more than happy to share their reasons for selecting their subject combinations – so feel free to speak to them during our open evenings, guidance meetings and induction days.
When we come to create our timetable, we do our utmost to ensure that as many subject combinations as possible can be accommodated. To further enhance your curriculum, you will choose an Enhancement Option that is designed to prepare you for undergraduate study, leadership or employment. You can find more information about all our courses – and the GCSE grades that they require – in our Options and Subjects booklet.
Our most recent Ofsted report praised our exceptionally high quality guidance and, if you would like any advice on which subjects to choose, then you can contact the school and we would be very happy to talk through your options.
David- A-Level Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry
I have a great enthusiasm for maths and the sciences, so I always knew I wanted to go into engineering. My subject choices reflect my current interests, and my future career ambitions.
My appointment as Head Senior Student really excites me. By working with my team, staff, and students across the school, I aim to make a positive contribution to life at TBSHS, that will benefit students many years down the line. Having seen the impact previous senior teams have had, I believe my team and I can make changes that not only help the current students, but also make TBSHS a more exciting and welcoming place for prospective students. With exciting changes around the corner, I hope to be able to play a part in the transition to the new school site.
Brittany – A-Level Biology, Chemistry and Religious Studies
I always knew I wanted to go into the medical field hence my scientific subjects. But I wanted my last subject to explore different parts of my mind. After starting these courses I haven’t regretted it since.
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality” – Warren Bennis
“A leader…is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind” – Nelson Mandela
Two inspiring quotes that will shape my leadership agenda as Head Senior Student of TBSHS. I feel privileged and honoured to have been given the platform to do so.
This starts with ensuring that every student feels they have a voice and are valued within the school community.
I intend to work with the Senior Leadership Staff, Staff, Students and Sixth Form Management Team to enhance the already amazing traditions we have in place whilst also implementing innovative ideas that will hopefully put our school at a global stage, where our core values of commitment, aspiration, respect, integrity, and community sit at the heart of what we do.
I will promulgate, entrench, and epitomize a culture that reflects the true spirit of TBSHS- respice, aspice, prospice.
Jemimah– A-Level Business Studies, Media Studies, Theatre Studies
I am both honoured and excited to take on this role as a member of the Senior Team. The opportunity of leading the Sixth Form Council allows me to listen to my peers and make improvements. I aim to contribute to the wider school community and follow in the footsteps of the previous Senior Teams, whilst introducing new ideas.
Isabel – A-Level Environmental science, Geography and Maths
My responsibilities as Deputy Senior Student means I marshal school events and marketing, which I am thoroughly looking forward to. One opportunity I am especially excited for is heading the launch of TBSHS Sixth Form social media this year and the enjoyment and challenges this will bring. I aim to represent the school well and implement new ideas into the school day, whilst collaborating with the Sixth Form Management Team, staff and students.
Alex– A-Level History, Politics and English Literature
I am extremely enthused and honoured to be taking on the role of Deputy Senior Student for the coming year. In my role as head of the Admissions and Alumni team I hope to make prospective students and teachers feel welcome here by giving them an insight into what it’s like to be part of this amazing ‘Black and Gold’ community which offers so much to all who are a part of it. But wider than this, I hope to improve the experiences of both lower school and sixth form students by creating a more environmentally friendly space for us to share.
Will – A-Level Politics,History and Maths
Being appointed as Deputy Senior Student in the new senior team is a great honour. Since joining TBSHS I have always seen previous senior students as Black and Gold role models who put themselves out there to improve the experience for all at this school. I will make it my utmost priority to ensure that this legacy is carried on, and that all students feel pride in being part of the community. As head of the Sixth Form Committee, I hope to create long-lasting memories of times at the school, which will ensure that all students feel a sense of belonging in what is a truly excellent school.
Dan– A-Level German, Economics and English Literature
I’ve always had an aim to join the financial sector, whilst also having a passion for exploring different cultures. Therefore my choices of A levels seemed the only suitable combination of all my interests.