Thought For The Day – Wednesday 10th January 2024
Literacy Is Life
One of the important points that was emphasized in the staff Inset Day on Friday was the importance of reading and writing for school, for examinations, for communication and for life.
Literacy really is essential for our lives.
In improving our writing, a step-by-step approach is encouraged. Do we know how to write well generally and in our different subjects? What writing moves do we need to make? How do we start? What do we include? How do we finish?
Of course, listening to words and especially reading words all helps. That is why our dedicated form time to private reading is so precious. Those words you read and learn then, or in class, if if it is for a few minutes, will make the difference to your examinations, to your future job, to your communication, to your life. It all mounts up.
Accurate, advanced, correct and fine communication is not enough on its own. Respect, fairness, honesty, truth, goodness, humility, kindness, reflection, inclusion and the law check the appropriateness of what is said, read and written.
None of the above happens without motivation, without a heart, without passion and care.
Practice too makes perfect.
At its best, listening and reading is also good for our wellbeing, creating calm and relaxation.
We also need to communicate what concerns and worries us, as well as what we appreciate and are grateful for.
Congratulations to Miss. Bishop on her appointment to the English Department and as Literacy Co-Ordinator, and for all her truly outstanding work as TBSHS’ Librarian.
Congratulations, and thank you, also to Mrs. MacEachern as she becomes the new Librarian of TBSHS.
TBSHS should be very, very proud of the culture and spirit of its brilliant library.
Photos: A literacy and literary Christmas tree at King’s Cross Railway Station.