Thought For The Day – Thursday February 9th 2023
Thinking of Others
Tomorrow we will raise money, and awareness, for those affected by the recent earthquake in Syria and Turkey.
Students will not be required to wear school uniform on that day and will be asked to make a recommended donation and voluntary contribution of £2.
We recognise the financial challenges that some families are facing.
The clothing of students should be appropriate and inoffensive. Baseball caps may not be worn. Students must support each other’s non-uniform. Labels are not important. As always, no bullying. Respect all. No coats indoors please.
Normal TBSHS work and community standards and values apply. This is the case when you are travelling to and from school, and when you are in the community after school. Represent.
Please remember your academic equipment and locker key. Learning continues.
The point of the day is to help people suffering and we must, and will, get the tone totally right.
Our non-uniform day last year was very appropriate and followed a long and distinguished tradition of these important Interact days at TBSHS.
Thank you for your continued good character and values.