Thought For The Day – Wednesday 8th February 2023
Stay Safe Online
Given the prevalence of the Internet in all our lives, the most important lesson all students and staff received this year, and indeed any academic year, was from Tina Pokuah, the guest speaker on online safety, last term.
Yesterday was Safer Internet Day. It is a reminder of the vital importance of staying safe and legal online every single day.
The overwhelming majority of the world is good. Our positive, kind and respectful ethical and moral values as a person, our character, are, and is, shown online, and in person. What kind of person do we wish to be? What kind of community and society do we wish to be?
But we need to, and we must, protect ourselves, and others, generally and securely, particularly against individuals and groups who spread hate, lies, division, toxicity, exploitation, manipulation and evil. We need to not go down the rabbit hole and we need to avoid negative, harmful, dangerous and wrong algorithms.
Natasha Devon, who visits our school, has written a book (pictured below) that will be published in the summer. Be your best self online.
Of course, one of the best things for online safety, and our general health and wellbeing, is to regulate our time online and our screen time, as the advice yesterday (pictured below) from “Lego” showed.