Thought For The Day – Thursday 29th February 2024
Leap Day
2024 is a “leap year”. This means there is an extra day in the calendar. Today is “leap day”.
People born on 29th February are very unique and very brilliant, as, technically, the date of their birth occurs every four years (though they still celebrate on the nearest date each and every year).
We measure a day by how long it takes the earth to spin once on its own axis.
We measure a calendar year by how long it takes for the earth to orbit the sun.
Except the actual time it takes for the earth to orbit the sun is 365.24219 days, approximately 365 days and a quarter. This, roughly, adds up to a full day every four years, which is why the extra day is added to the shortest month, February.
Leap years are effectively a recognition of that quarter. Nothing and no one left behind!
But, to make matters more complex and, to a point, accurate, we do not have a leap year every four years. The extra time adds up to be three days more every 400 years. So, every now and then, a leap year is skipped. This is decided by whether the year is divisible by four, is not divisible by 100, but is divisible by 400. There was no leap day, therefore, in 1700, 1800 or 1900. This goes back to Pope Gregory, in 1582, who wanted to ensure Easter remained in the spring.
All this is a very good opportunity to pay tribute to the calendar team at TBSHS, who carefully organise the numerous orbiting events in the “Black and Gold” year.
And to think about the importance generally of dates in our personal and global lives. Days and dates matter.
Let’s use this wonderful added and extra time wisely today, every day, to create opportunities, look after others, look after ourselves and get the late winner.