Thought For The Day – Friday 1st March 2024 

Everyone Matters

Today is World Zero Negative Discrimination Day. The theme is: “Protect everyone’s health, protect everyone’s rights”.

Prejudice is what people think.  Discrimination is what people do and how people act. 

Negative prejudice and discrimination is illegal, immoral and wrong.

Examples of negative prejudice and discrimination (in alphabetical order) are:  Ableism, Ageism, Antisemitism, Classism, Islamophobia, Negative LGBT+ prejudice and discrimination, Racism and Sexism.

Positive prejudice and discrimination is where we seek to redress the imbalance, giving opportunities to ensure equality and equity.

A week today, on March 8th,  is International Women’s Day.  The theme of this global day is “Inspire Inclusion”. Mother’s Day is on 10th March.   To mark IWD next Friday, we at TBSHS are once again encouraging students to wear one item of clothing in a different colour with their uniform to show support for equality. No hoodies or trainers please.  This is an important day to mark at TBSHS and to stand up against sexism,  as we must stand against all negative prejudice and discrimination.

Today, March 1st, is Saint David’s Day and we send our very best wishes to all of Welsh heritage.