Thought For The Day – Thursday 28th September 2023
Global Care
Last week, the United Nations held its Climate Ambition summit.
Opening the summit, António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, identified weather dangerous events and patterns, from fire to floods to heat, stating “humanity has opened the gates of hell… If nothing changes we are heading towards a 2.8 degree temperature rise, towards a dangerous and unstable world.” He identified that the poorest nations suffer the most and called for climate justice.
In his speech, António Guterres also gave aspiration, hope and purpose:
“The future is not fixed. We can still limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees. We can still build a world of clear air, green jobs, and affordable clean power for all. The path forward is clear… The future of humanity is in your hands. One summit will not change the world. But today can be a powerful moment to generate momentum, that we build on over the coming months. We can and we must turn up the tempo. Turn plans into action. And turn the tide.”
At TBSHS, we will keep playing our appropriate and respectful part to be black, gold and green and to promote equality, diversity and inclusion.
This summit linked to The Global Goals of the United Nations, pictured below.