Thought For The Day – Thursday 17th May 2024
The Heaviest Backpack
In Mental Health Awareness Week, the “Children In Need” charity have launched “The Heaviest Backpack” campaign this week.
This campaign aims to raise awareness and deliver resources to help parents, and other trusted adults, relieve some of the burdens children carry in their emotional backpack.
Some of these burdens are visible, others perhaps less visible. This is a reminder to be sensitive to the journeys, needs and stories of others.
Here is the excellent awareness video, launched this week, which ends with the positive connection and massive support families, schools and local and wider community can give, can be and vey much are, with positive, encouraging, listening, empathetic, nurturing and respectful relationships.
Some children walk around with the weight of the world on their shoulders. That’s why BBC Children in Need are launching ‘The Heaviest Backpack’ to show that these burdens, whether it’s anxiety or problems at home, can weigh children down and follow them everywhere. The campaign aims to raise awareness and deliver resources to help …