Thought For The Day – Monday 7th November 2022
The word community is derived from the Latin communitas (meaning the same), which is in turn derived from communis, which means “common, public, shared by all or many.” Communis comes from a combination of the Latin prefix con- (which means “together”) and the word munis (which has to do with performing services).
In many senses, community is about service together.
Community is vital to TBSHS, an life, and one of our school values. We think about, and act for, other people whether they be in our family, school, local, national or international community.
Wearing a poppy, showing remembrance and respect, is an example of community. Donating to the Food Bank, contributing to “Tidy Up Bishop’s Stortford”, thinking about, and acting for, the environment (as COP 27 meets and beyond), and everything TBSHS does in every context, seen and unseen, as we help one another in school and out of school, are examples of community. Marking Black History Month and World Mental Health Day is key to community. We are part of something greater than ourselves and we look out for one another. Standards and care.
Equality, diversity and inclusion, being mindful and compassionate of, and sensitive and empathetic to, others, is integral to community, as is integrity, respect, commitment and aspiration.
Yesterday, in BBC1’s “Songs of Praise” programme, as part of an episode entitled “Faith in the Kingdom of Fife”, featuring many inspiring examples, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Gordon Brown shared “The Big Hoose Project”, as it is locally known, or “The Big House Project”, one of many examples of how Mr. Brown humbly contributes to his local community in Fife, Scotland, inspired by the vocation of his father and mother. Mr. Brown also contributes to his national and international community and has responded very thoughtfully to communications from TBSHS over the years.
Mr. Brown was interviewed in the church where his father was a minister: