Thought For The Day – Monday 18th March 2024
Above: TBSHS this morning.
On this date in history, Alan Turing, and his team of codebreakers, built one of the first ever computers at Bletchley Park to help defeat Nazi evil in the Second World War.
The odds on the success of the codebreakers’ work were calculated as 158,962,555,217,826,360,000 to 1.
Our former Headteacher, Mr. Ian Shaw, as a scholar and student of history and life generally, loved to visit the museum at Bletchley Park.
Mr. Shaw passed away five years ago today. Mr. Shaw was born on the 23rd June. Alan Turing was also born on the 23rd June.
Mr. Shaw’s wife, Barbara, daughter and son featured a reading about Mr. Turing in Mr. Shaw’s Memorial Service at Saint Michael’s Church in June 2019.
We keep Mr. Shaw’s family in our thoughts and prayers today.
We keep all who we miss in our hearts and thoughts and prayers. Their love, and light, continues to guide and inspire us. We are so blessed and grateful to have known those we love.
We pay great tribute to Mrs. Barbara Shaw for all she did, and continues to do, for the school.
Mr. Shaw, who never talked about himself, always gave credit to others and greatly acknowledged his debt to his wonderful predecessors, in so many ways established and nurtured the ethos, in the classroom and in extra-curricular and community activities, we all enjoy today. Mr. Shaw’s legacy, and that of the community he cared for, drove, inspired and transformed, is seen in our ethos, spirit, standards and our way of doing things, and in the school we have around us, including the creation of Jobbers Wood and the very initials T.B.S.H.S., for instance. The school was Mr. Shaw’s life, and Mr. Shaw’s life was the school.
Mr. Shaw’s legacy is continued and greatly enhanced by Mr. Reeve and the school community today.
We never forget our heritage and roots.
Good luck and best wishes to Year 7 students on their Geography educational visit today and tomorrow.