Thought For The Day – Monday 15th April 2024
Welcome Back
Welcome back to TBSHS. We hope you had a very good last couple of weeks.
We start this term well and wisely, in and out of class and school.
Every day continues to be an important moment and opportunity, especially for students taking examinations.
Doing our best, being the best version of ourselves, is key.
We very warmly welcome a great guest into school today, Matt Pinkett, to talk with Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students and all staff. This is a fabulous and vital opportunity, very kindly organized by Mrs. Miles, for us to engage, learn, reflect, act and to be inspired to be a good, thoughtful and emotionally intelligent citizen, both for others and ourselves, both today and in the future. Values are everything.
Today marks the 35th anniversary of the Hillsborough Disaster, where 97 Liverpool supporters died at a football match. They went to a game and never returned home.
Our very deepest thoughts are with all those who suffered, and still suffer, as they always are with all experiencing challenges beyond words in life.
We played the following extract from former Bishop of Liverpool the Right Reverend James Jones’ broadcast on Holy (Easter) Saturday last year at our Lent and Easter Services at Saint Michael’s Church three weeks ago. This outstanding programme featured a reflection from the inspirational Margaret Aspinall, who lost her son, James, eighteen years of age, at Hillsborough. Margaret is reflecting with the most profound compassion, empathy, sadness, justice and hope on the sculpture “La Madonna della Pietà” (Our Lady of Piety), featuring Mary with her son Jesus, by Michelangelo: