Thought For The Day – Tuesday 16th April 2024
A Calm and Compassionate Perspective
For many students around the country, and indeed beyond, this is a very busy time with final preparations for examinations.
In many ways, this happens throughout the academic year and throughout previous years also. Life is a journey.
However, those final preparations, actively revising, checking and making notes on, or creating, content and applying, analysing, planning and practicing past papers, do make a massive difference.
In the examinations themselves, it has been said that final additions to, checking and proofreading of, your answers makes the biggest difference.
Have a revision process that works for you, believe in it and commit to it. Be the very best version of yourselves.
Time management, using time productively in class and at home, is important. There is always time left in the game, if that time is calmly and wisely used. The clock is not our friend if time is frittered away with no belief, commitment, plan or purpose. A good twenty minutes can make a massive difference to revision and life.
Mental and physical health and wellbeing, as ever, is equally vital, through communication, diet, our feelings and inspirations, kindness, listening, peace, perspective, rest and water.
We go the extra mile, knowing that summer holidays and Results Day are the rewards, trying to make ourselves, and others, proud as best we can.
In all this, the person is far more important than the player.
Everyone walks their own path, and has their own personal journey, which we collectively support.
What matters is the kind of person we are and try to be.
We look after ourselves, and others, as we all do our very best, together.