Thought For The Day – Friday 26th April 2024
Present Actions, Future Rewards
In under two weeks’ time, Year 11 and Year 13 students will enter and the examination hall entry and departure area (pictured above) in silence.
Students will be on time, bring the correct equipment, line up in silence, receive final instructions and enter the examination room, totally following the invigilators’ advice.
Mock examinations in colder weather earlier this academic year were invaluable practice.
But how do Year 11 and Year 13 students want to feel at the end of their final examinations?
The key to a positive feeling then, with no regrets, is to ensure students know what, and how, to answer; content and examination technique.
Students can still make a massive difference to their results.
This is based on active checking, reading, revision, writing, following the considered, thoughtful and wise advice of the experienced professionals that are the staff of TBSHS and learning from one another.
Let’s not forget to enjoy the process of learning and improvement, showing passion for our subjects and bringing all our gifts to the journey. Everyone is unique, precious, valuable and valued.
There is plenty of time to “go on ‘phones” (appropriately, legally and safely) in the summer holidays, after the examinations.
We revise, keep calm, think clearly, stay healthy, have rest, look after others and ourselves and just do our best…and the results take care of themselves.
We greatly act now, being the best version of ourselves, for even greater rewards later.
Good luck to Year 10 sitting their internal examinations next week and to Year 9 students and staff giving of their time for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award this weekend, as well as to all cricketers.