Thought For The Day – Friday 18th November 2022
Eternal Influence
“Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops.”
Eternity means time without end, timeless, for ever or infinity.
Affect means to make a difference, to touch feelings.
Influence means the power to change and have an effect on someone or something.
All wonderful people affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops.
Mr. Darren Solomons was a wonderful teacher and person. Mr. Solomons worked at TBSHS from 2010 to 2017. On Sunday 20th November, it will be five years since the passing of Mr. Solomons. We continue to think about Mr. Solomons’ family.
As part of his tribute to Mr. Solomons at the time, Mr. Reeve perfectly stated: “Mr. Solomons was loved and respected by staff and the sixth form students he worked with. Mr. Solomons embodied ‘The Black and Gold Spirit’.”
So many sixth form, and former sixth form, students, and current and former staff, paid such great tribute to Mr. Solomons at the time and have done so since. Former students continue to pay daily tribute and take Mr. Solomons’ outstanding legacy and influence forward in their own unique manner to this day, inspired by, and so very grateful for, Mr. Solomons.
Through students, staff and, most importantly, his family, Mr. Solomons’ wonderful and outstanding influence , like all those wonderful and outstanding people who we have loved and who have inspired, and who still love and still inspire, always affects us, is eternal and is for ever.