Thought For The Day – Friday 14th October 2022
In It To Change It
We know about the inspirational actions of the great Rosa Parks and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, and many more, to stand up against segregation on the busses in the United States, but do we know about the equally inspirational stance of Roy Hackett MBE, and many more, in Bristol in the United Kingdom?
Anti-racism campaigner Mr. Hackett, who passed away in the summer holidays, on 3rd August, aged 93, was an organiser of the Bristol Bus Boycott which helped overturn a ban on employing black and Asian drivers and conductors. This paved the way for the Race Relations Acts of the 1960s which changed life and society.
Roy Hackett MBE stood against racism all his life. “You have to be in it to change it” said Roy: (2020 interview). Mr. Hackett’s humility, resilience, commitment to equality and justice and good humour was, and is, inspirational.
This week is National Hate Crime Awareness Week. A hate crime is an offence targeting a victim’s race, religion, sexual orientation, identity or disability. Government statistics last week reported an very alarming and disturbing increase in hate crime. Hate crime is wrong, immoral, illegal and evil.
“The Black and Gold Spirit” stands against all prejudice and discrimination. “The Black and Gold Spirit” educates, welcomes, values, includes, supports, encourages, nurtures, understands, loves, thinks, keeps going, helps, takes a stand, acts and changes.
The theme for Black History Month in 2022 is “Time for change: Action not words”.
Today Interact are selling doughnuts for the Prince and Princess of Wales’ mental health charities.
Finish the week well. Have a wonderful weekend, when it arrives.
Look after others and yourself. Keep doing good.