Thought For The Day – Monday 3rd October 2022 – Inspirational Aspiration
Inspirational Aspiration
Week 5 is loading.
What are your aspirations for this week and the remainder of this half term? How will you make these aspirations reality?
Aspiration is one of our school values. Aspiration is a good and committed aim, hope or wish for achievement or success.
At TBSHS, we selflessly celebrate, support and empower the aspirations of others, as well as our aspirations.
Staff, current students and former students were inspirationally aspirational at the weekend.
Mr. Kelsall participated in the Cardiff half marathon to raise money for a Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. Sir ran in memory of a close friend. A wonderful example of selfless and inspirational aspiration. The best of causes, inspirations and aspirations.
In London, Luke Dunham, in Year 10, competed in the 2.6 k.m. mini London marathon on part of the iconic course. He finished 10th in the UK. A brilliant achievement.
Inspirational aspiration occurs beyond school. In the London marathon, like Mr. Munro, former students Sam James, Dom Lilley, Jack Lowbridge, Nick McCrone, George Rayment and Ted Rayment participated.
By contrast, at the very beginning of their TBSHS journey, Year 7 rugby players took part in their first tournament on Sunday.
Other students, and staff, would have participated in equally important other academic, artistic, creative, family or community activities.
Have a great week as we build the season and enjoy the season.