Revised schedule for start of term– September 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
I write to update you on the progress of construction of the new school at Beaumont Avenue.
Whilst we were expecting to take possession of the site on 19th August, unfortunately we will now not be able to do so until Monday 2nd September. Therefore, in order to ensure we have all of the furniture and equipment set up appropriately, we have taken the difficult decision to delay the start of term for students by two days.
The timings for their respective first days will remain the same, which means the first day for each year group is as follows:
Friday 6th September
08:30 – Year 7 arrive – main hall
09:15 – Year 12 arrive – main hall
Monday 9th September
08:30 – Year 8 & Year 10 arrive – main hall
09:10 – Year 9 & Year 11 arrive – main hall
09:30 – Year 7 & Year 12 arrive – straight to their form room (they’ll have been there on Friday)
10:00 – Year 13 arrive – main hall
Tuesday 10th September
08:30 – All students arrive in school and go directly to their form rooms.
Please note: The school day will still end at 15:30 for all students each day. Further information about the start of term at Beaumont Avenue can be found here:
As a further consequence of the delay, we will also be rescheduling our Standards Evenings for all year groups and I will write to you again next week with the new dates. You will have a chance to see the wonderful new school for yourself with a guided tour.
Furthermore, to minimise lost learning time, we will cancel the INSET day on Friday 20th September, so it will become a normal school day for students.
This delay is far from ideal, and I do apologise, but the staff will be in school from 2nd September doing all that is necessary to ensure we are set up to give the students a positive experience at their new school from the start. It really does promise to be an excellent facility and although there will inevitably be some wrinkles to iron out in the first few weeks, it will definitely be worth the wait.
Kind regards,
Mr Dale Reeve