Thought For The Day – Wednesday 6th November 2024
Student Leadership
We are pumped and ready to go for another magical evening at TBSHS.
Sixth Form Open Evening, our biggest night of the year, is a (black and) golden opportunity to showcase the school.
A great sixth form benefits all in the school community.
We pay tribute to our sixth formers past, present and future.
Without them, there would be no TBSHS. Without them, there would be no “Black and Gold Spirit”.
In the school’s history, the popularity and progress of the school is mirrored by the popularity and progress of the sixth form.
And we never were, and never will be, “the boys’ high”. We are a diverse, equal, inclusive and mixed school.
So, tonight is yet another opportunity for student leadership, empowered, nurtured and safeguarded by all staff.
We very much look forward to welcoming Year 11 and we thank Year 12 and Year 13 for leading the school once again tonight.
Make our guests feel welcome. Make our guests feel special.
For everyone matters.
Share your passion. Share our passion. Represent.
Massive appreciation to Mr. Munro and the Staff Sixth Form Management team at TBSHS for all they do.
To all not involved in Open Evening, stay respectful and safe on the way home at lunch. Leave the school especially tidy today (as always). Appreciate and treasure the extra time you have been given and be very mindful of the effort many have put in on Wednesday night when you return to school on Thursday. See the bigger picture. Play the team game.
In a further example of student leadership, collections for “The Poppy Appeal” continue today.