Thought For The Day – Tuesday 17th January 2023
Keep On Keeping On
Thank you very much to Year 13, and to Year 11 before them, for their commitment and good conduct in their mock examinations.
These practice examinations are the very best preparation for the external examinations of the summer. The mock examinations, and your results, give very important feedback, and motivation, for lesson and home study in the days, and weeks, ahead.
If the examinations went relatively well for you, keep going and avoid complacency. Stay humble but give yourself a pat on the back for the good work you do. We very much appreciate your leadership.
If you felt you left a few marks out there and/or your revision could have been more effective, remember that the path to progress is more often a winding road of challenges than a perfect straight line. Subject knowledge, understanding and evaluation, plus examination application and technique and literacy makes the difference. Analyse what went well, and what you need to improve, and start to make those healthy adjustments one step, one day and one week at a time. There is time on the clock provided you make that key first step now. Thank you to staff and parents for all the support they give in this process.
Ultimately, the key in the examination of life is that we do your best, are a good person and look after others and ourselves.
Of course, what applies to Year 13 and Year 11 applies to all year groups for tomorrow is built today, both in terms of skills, attitudes and caring.
We are very grateful to the examination invigilators, and the examinations team as a whole, for all their wonderful and meticulous work in organizing and supervising these examinations.
A particular thank you, and very best wishes, to Dr. Luppi, Examinations Officer, who departs TBSHS today. This role takes so much commitment, including over the summer holidays. TBSHS has greatly appreciated Dr. Luppi’s excellent, brilliant, positive and ultra-reliable and resilient work in this very important role.