Thought For The Day – Thursday July 6th 2023
Music Matters
Tonight sees “Summer Sounds”, the final concert of the academic year.
We greatly thank the outstanding Music Department for all they do to enhance, enrich and provide the soundtrack to TBSHS.
The brilliant contribution of the Music Department to Final Assembly, which you always enjoy, is always a symbol of this. One example amongst numerous excellent performances.
Mr. Emery, Mr. Mead and all the music staff give so much of their time each day, including at lunch and after school, to teach, and give so many opportunities in creating and playing, music, as well as teaching the very important music curriculum to all.
Thank you also to all who help at concerts at TBSHS, whether it be with sound and lights, refreshments, advertising or ticketing, and to all, particularly parents, who support.
Thank you to all students musicians for the time they give to learn, and develop, their craft on a daily and weekly basis, and the creativity and imagination they show in this process.
Their daily and weekly progress is a committed, superb and inspiring model of, and for, success for all our subjects.
Music is vital in all our lives.
Music is crucial for our well-being.
Music gives opportunities, touches the soul, expresses identity and emotions, explores issues, inspires and soothes, brings people together in community and provides individual and collective memories.
Music is the soundtrack to and of our lives.
Music so often says what words cannot say.