Thought For The Day – Thursday 15th December 2022
The word charity means generosity or helpfulness to those in need.
Charity involves benevolent, or very kind, goodwill toward. or love of, humanity. Charity can be shown in the raising of money, the raising of awareness or the giving of time.
Charity expresses our school values of commitment, aspiration, respect, integrity and community. Charity expresses our equality values.
The Poppy Appeal at TBSHS raised £700.03 for The Royal British Legion of Bishop’s Stortford. Thank you to everyone for their wonderful support. Thank you to the excellent students who went around the school selling poppies.
We dedicate the fundraising of “The Poppy Appeal” to all who have served, suffered and sacrificed and all who still serve, suffer and sacrifice. We also dedicate this fundraising to the emergency services and the victims of terrorism.
We are very mindful of those in need, especially this and every Christmas.
In the next few days, we will be selling refreshments for our local Food Bank. You are welcome to make anything yourself to sell on our official stall for this purpose, but please ensure there are no nuts, work with parents and ensure ingredients are printed.
Interact are collecting items for Ukrainian refugees once again. A lorry from local charity “UK Aid” will depart on Boxing Day. Any donations of tinned and dried food, toiletries, warm clothes for all ages and games and toys which do not rely on English, would be very much appreciated. Please bring any items to Room 8.
If you have any sporting clothes and equipment, Mr. Kelsall is collecting this for a charity in Sri Lanka as part of the cricket tour.
Mrs. Miles and a team of students and staff were collected for Grove Cottage last Saturday in a wonderful example of giving.
This Sunday, we will be bag packing in “Waitrose” to raise money for those in need at Christmas.
Please see or e-mail Mr. Etheridge if you wish to participate.