TBSHS celebrates National Careers Week
4th-8th March 2024
Here at TBSHS we have a busy week of guest speakers and Lunchtime Workshops.
Click the link to view our Careers section of the website – https://tbshs.org/careers/
National Careers Week 
4th – 8th March
National Careers Week is a one-week celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. The aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways.
NCW is a dedicated week every year allowing schools, colleges, universities, alternative provision settings and organisations to work towards enhanced careers provision.
The Bishop’s Stortford High School has some exciting events planned and special form activities – see below
Monday 4th March
Years 8-13 Lunchtime Careers Workshop
1.10pm-1.55pm Isla Burrows, Willis Towers Watson Insurance
Year 10 Assembly Guest: Isla Burrows, Willis Towers Watson Insurance, 3pm-3.30pm
Tuesday 5th March
Years 8-13 Lunchtime Careers Workshop
1.10pm-1.55pm Dom Harris, Tesla Inc
Year 11 Assembly Guest: Dom Harris, Tesla Inc 3pm-3.30pm
Wednesday 6th March
Year 7 Assembly Guest: Essex & Herts Air Ambulance, 3pm-3.30pm
Thursday 7th March
Years 8-13 Lunchtime Careers Workshop
1.10pm-1.55pm Stewart Dempsey, Army Officer Careers
Year 8 Assembly Guest: PC Mark Rippon & PC Clare Andrews, Police, 3pm-3.30pm
Year 9 Assembly Guest: Stephen Swart, Army Careers 3pm-3.30pm
Do encourage your son/daughter to attend the workshops; not only are they great for finding out more about different roles in various sectors, but they’re a great way of making contacts for work experience and post-18 recruitment. They are very informal and fun to attend – with occasional freebies!
Form Tutor Sessions During National Careers Week
Year 7 The World of Work – learning from Labour Market Information (LMI) and what is the labour market of the future?
Year 8 Skills For The Future – learning about skills for the future and how they relate to the subjects you are studying and discovering our employability skills
Year 9: What Are My Options After GCSE’s? Learning about vocational and occupational pathways; A Levels, T Levels, Traineeships, BTECS….. jargon-busting information!
Year 10 Exploring Careers – exploring different careers to help plan for the future and discovering careers in the Priority Sector
Year 11 Occupational Pathways – learning more about the different pathways after GCSE’s and consider which pathway is best for you.
Parents Guide To National Careers Week 2024
The Parents’ Guideaims to provide parents with the information they need to help their teenage children make the right choices to create successful futures after GCSE and sixth form.
Here’s a link to the 2023 Green Careers Guide where you’ll find general careers guidance including information on green careers, careers magazines, careers films, booklets & guides. Look out for the updated 2024 version.
Career Profiles are listed on the Start website along with information on study choices. Explore here. There are more quizzes on the Careers section of the TBSHS website, and sixth form students can complete the Personality Quiz via Unifrog.
Hertfordshire industry requires talented people so it is important when choosing your career to have an understanding of the main purpose of these industries, what skills are needed and why a particular sector could be right for you.
Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal showcases careers across many industry sectors. Explore the sectors via the link to find out about some of the employers near you, watch videos that will describe how other residents have found great careers in Hertfordshire’s local industries and search for live jobs, courses and apprenticeships.