Thought For The Day – Tuesday 23rd January 2024
Community is one of our school values and a vital life value.
Although we are all unique, special and valued as individuals, we are also members of a wider community and team. We are part of families, schools and wider community organisations.
These communities influence, inspire, nurture and share who we are.
They give empowerment, enjoyment and enlightenment. They show equality, diversity and inclusion. They offer mutual support. Communities help those in need. They also look after, and nurture, others and the environment.
Communities remind us that we are part of something greater than ourselves. “No one is an island” wrote the poet John Donne.
School and various organizations around the U.K. and globally do so much to promote community.
We are blessed at TBSHS in this regard. Our extensive extra-curricular timetable at the school is a wonderful example of community, whilst how we treat one another in lessons and around the school, and beyond, models community.
We are also blessed in our local area also.
One community celebrating this weekend is Bishop’s Stortford Football Club. We wish this community well as they celebrate their 150th anniversary at their home match on Saturday. They were founded on 28th January 1874. They have seen much history and provided many memories and opportunities for community members. Currently, they are going very well in the Football Association Trophy. They won a championship last year.
We pay tribute to all the various groups, and their volunteers, who promote community in our local area and beyond.
In particular, our local area, our roots, are very important in our lives. Civic pride. We never forget our roots, where we came from, and we always show respect and give back to others.
Pictures below: Dannie Tippett, great former student of TBSHS and goalkeeping coach at Bishop’s Stortford Football Club. The picture was taken at Bishop’s Stortford’s opening home match of their 150th anniversary season against Chester in August. The second picture is of both managers of both clubs, Calum McIntrye and Steve Smth, shaking hands in mutual respect at the end of this match.