Thought For The Day – Thursday 21st September 2023
Happy P.P.C.E. Day
Happy P.P.C.E. Day!
The cleaners polished the floors late last night, as they do every evening.
P.P.C.E. stands for Prospective Parents’ and Carers’ Evening, otherwise known as Open Evening.
This is a great opportunity to showcase “The Black and Gold Spirit” and our school which OFSTED recently described as “outstanding” and “stunning”.
At the very heart of tonight is something at the heart of every day – student brilliance and leadership supported by staff encouragement and passion.
Share your story tonight. Communicate the values of the school and what the school does inside and outside the classroom. Be interested in our guests, asking them questions, asking the names, and finding out the interests, of the prospective visiting the school. They are the next generation. We open our school to our guests.
“The Black and Gold Spirit” is about looking after others, and looking after yourself. It is about commitment, aspiration, respect, integrity and community. It is about the past, present and future. It is about being a responsible and resilient learner and person.
Tonight is an excellent opportunity to practice attitudes, skills and values so important for your future.
Given our future move to our brilliant new school site, TBSHS’ Open Evening 2023 is historic.
School today will finish at 1:15 as registration follows Period 4. This is a final opportunity to check on your House Rugby teams and tactics for Saturday. Please ensure you have left nothing on top of lockers today. Look after the school environment, as always. Those students helping this evening will return to school to register at the time communicated. Students should be in smart uniform with clean shoes. At the close of the evening, students need to go home carefully and safely, after registering with the school, keeping in contact with parents at all times with a fully charged ‘phone and, whilst walking, crossing roads and meeting parents and going home, staying safe.
We are pumped and ready to go to all play our part in P.P.C.E. 2023.