Thought For The Day – Friday 7th July 2023
The Heart of Compassion
Please stay safe this weekend in the warm weather.
The art work above is by Debbie Marie Arambula is called “The Heart of Compassion”. The artist dedicated this picture to all who give the gift of love unconditionally.
Compassion is at the heart of the ethos of TBSHS.
Compassion is a strong feeling, a sympathetic consciousness, of, and a deep empathy for, the distress and suffering of other people, and a wish to help those in this great need.
We are compassionate to others. We put ourselves in their shoes. We treat others as we wish to be treated.
This is the very heart and meaning of community.
In this process, we are compassionate to ourselves.
Every single day is precious, sacred and special.
Every single day is an opportunity for, and to, care and love.
Every single day has its challenges for everyone.
For some people though, their challenges are beyond words to describe.
Through our compassion, we make a positive difference together.
We support each other, especially those in need, giving light and love.
Heart appropriately and respectfully reaches out to heart.
On Monday, through our non-uniform day, we will raise money for Bishop’s Stortford Food Bank and the local charity for those suffering in Ukraine called UK-Aid.
On Monday, and every day, we show compassion for others in school and outside school in the wider community.
We remember, and keep in our thoughts and prayers, those in need locally, nationally and internationally.
Our very deepest thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by, and suffering because of, the tragedy beyond words that occurred at “The Study” school in Wimbledon yesterday. Our very deepest thoughts and prayers are with students, parents and families, staff, emergency, hospital, medical services, first responders and the police.
At the heart of compassion are always: those who have passed away, whose love and light will always guide and inspire; the bereaved, who continue the legacy of inspiration, light and love of those who have passed away; those who are ill, those who are vulnerable and those who are suffering.