Thought For The Day – Wednesday 8th November 2023
The Best Version Of Ourselves
Sixth Form Open Evening is this evening. School will therefore end today at 1:15 p.m., as advertised.
Bags must be taken home or in lockers.
Please do not leave litter, in or out of the classroom, especially today. Think about those who will come after you today and always. Please be respectful in the community after school and use the time to get your academic work organised.
We very much look forward to welcoming Year 11 students from TBSHS, and many other schools in our area, and beyond, this evening.
Whilst the location of the school may change, and be enhanced, “The Black and Gold (and Green) Spirit” will remain wherever we go in our lives, home, new home or away.
We represent.
Tonight is a celebration of TBSHS’ wonderful Sixth Form. Thank you to all the current Sixth Form who opted for TBSHS. We stand on the shoulders of past students too.
As ever student car parkers, student speakers, student guides and expert staff and students in departments will represent the school and empower, engage, enlighten and enthuse our guests.
We take great interest in who visits us and who we meet. We make the difference to them. They make the difference to us. As one Year 10 student said about talking with Clare Balding O.B.E.: “Clare was as interested in what I had to say as I was in what Clare had to say.”
Mutual respect is everything in life.
This year our Sixth Form is historically large, record-breaking in terms of numbers, a reflection of its massive success and a school officially described as stunning.
Whether it be: in the classroom; in the corridors; in sport, music, drama, debating, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, peer mentoring, paired reading, charity; before school, at lunch or after school; in school, in the community or on local, national or global visits; in person and on-line; the Sixth Form of TBSHS lead the school with imagination, industry, insight, inspiration and integrity.
And key to that of course is the superb leadership of girls and young women at TBSHS.
Thank you to Mr. Reeve, the Senior Leadership Team, especially Mr. Munro, and the Sixth Form Management Team for all their outstanding leadership.
We greatly respect all other schools. We are very proud of our school and all the work of everyone past, present and future.
We celebrate and encourage everyone’s achievements at TBSHS and humbly seek to keep improving. We look after, and care for, ourselves, other people and our environment.
Today, tonight and always we aspire to be, and are, the best version of ourselves.