Thought For The Day – Thursday June 29th 2023
Welcoming Guests
We have guests in school for the next two days for Sixth Form Induction.
The cleaners were in school late last night, as they always are, meticulously polishing floors and cleaning the school.
This is an important two days where we welcome many new guests and visitors.
We also welcome back many of our former Year 11 students.
These students have all been working hard on their GCSEs in the last few weeks. Today they begin the next stage of their life.
New flowers will further blossom.
The current Year 12, next year’s Year 13, are playing a superb role in leading this Induction. Students leading other students to good things positively makes a massive difference in education.
One of the tests of any community is how it welcomes others new to that community.
Those students who join us in the sixth form enhance our community and provide leadership to all in the community. Our brilliant Sixth Form is essential to TBSHS. Everyone benefits.
All students in all years have an important role to play in the next two days. You need to look out for room changes, attend your lessons on time and focus in your lessons, as always.
Please play your part. Please make our guests very welcome by showing consideration, kindness and politeness. Let other people go before you, show respect in words and actions for people and the environment and look out for others if they are lost.
In other words, keep showing “The Black and Gold Spirit”.
These manners are important. Manners are ways of behaving and acting to people.
Manners point to things that are bigger than ourselves.