Thought For The Day – Monday 25th September 2023
TBSHS’ Languages Week
We hope you had a good weekend and are ready to go for week four as we approach half time of half term. This is the point where we turn a good start into a great start by driving on further.
This week is Languages Week at TBSHS.
Thank you to TBSHS’ Languages Department for all they are doing this week, and all they do each and every week to promote languages inside and outside school. This includes the many enlightening enriching educational exchanges, opportunities and visits.
By definition, the essential work of the Languages Department stretches and challenges us, takes us to new horizons and promotes community and mutual respect.
Languages are a vital education for employment, enjoyment and life.
For languages, whether they be auditory, sign, speech, verbal, visual or written, are essential to cultural appreciation, empathy, respect and society. Through languages we understand others, and we understand ourselves.
The philosopher Wittgenstein said: “To imagine a language is to imagine a form of life” as he promoted mutual understanding of communities and cultures. He used the metaphor of “language games” to express how different words are used by different people in different contexts with different meaning.
Of course, at the heart of our and any communication and language should be ethics, honesty, integrity, morality and respect.
This week is also an excellent opportunity to celebrate the cultural diversity of TBSHS where students speak so many different languages.
This week is a further brilliant opportunity to think of, and reflect on, our appropriate, honest, humble and respectful use of communication and language, whether it be in listening, literacy or oracy, in subject vocabulary or in our everyday non-verbal, verbal, visual and written communications and interactions.