Thought For The Day – Monday 25th March 2024
Today we had the first of our three Easter services.
Thank you to the student musicians, readers and volunteers who led the way, and to Year 10 and Year 11 students for their engagement and participation. It is very much appreciated.
We thank Year 11 and Year 13 for all they have wonderfully contributed to the ethos of the school, in all its many dimensions, in their time t TBSHS.
The Easter services are the time for us to reflect personally and in community.
“Love one another. As I have loved you”, said Jesus.
Please continue to show your care, respect and support at the services tomorrow and if you can, and wish to, donate to the church as you leave, please do. Thank you to all who have donated Easter eggs to the “Food Bank” for those in need.
Our caring, diverse and inclusive school is built on, and lead and inspired by, special memories, moments and people.
We care about each other.
We continue to remember, and be inspired by, Will Scutts.
We must be a good people and citizens in school, at home, in the community, in person and on-line. Integrity and respect applies everywhere.
Treating others as we wish to be treated is a very good guide.
Midway through the morning in Bishop’s Stortford yesterday, Sunday, there was a moment that showed the true meaning of care, community and life.
A woman had suffered a very bad fall. She was on her own when it occurred. Two young women stopped and sat with her. They, together with other people who stopped, cared for someone in great need. A coat and then blankets were given, for, whilst the sun was shining, it was still a cold day, especially if someone was sat still, in a state of significant shock. This group of very good people, upstanders, waited until help came in the form of a very grateful and caring family member and even then they stayed further until the very resilient woman was able to be taken to receive further specialist care.