Thought For The Day – Monday 16th October 2023
Leave No One Behind
Today is World Food Day.
The theme this year, from the United Nations, is: “Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind.”
We give thanks for the food, and water, we have.
We are very grateful to our parents, carers and families for all they give, and the sacrifices they make, which are beyond words to truly describe and express gratitude for.
We also pay great tribute to the catering team at TBSHS who faithfully care for, and nourish, us all each and every day. The caretaking and cleaning teams play an equally important role also.
We thank all involved, and who work so hard, in safe food and water production, distribution and availability. The global pandemic reminded us how very important, and what true unsung heroes, these people are all around the world.
With platforms, privileges and opportunities come responsibilities to help others, create a good, fair, flourishing and better world and value the vulnerable.
We are very mindful of those who do not have food and water both locally, nationally and internationally. We treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves.
Care for the environment now, and in the future, is integral and vital.
We deeply think about, and act for, those suffering and in need globally, particularly at this present time.
We are once again collecting for our local Food Bank this week. Please bring any items to Room 8 or to Interacters in the playground at break. We will also be collecting around the playground at break next week. Suggested items are; household cleaning products, sanitary products, nappies, toilet rolls, toiletries, crisps, tinned fruit and vegetables, sponge puddings, coffee, tea, cereal, jam, honey, pasta sauces, rice puddings and soup. No nuts please.