A new Senior Team
Welcome to the new Senior Team
As with tradition at TBSHS, the new team take over in the Summer term so that the Year 13s can step down and concentrate on their A Level exams.
Rob Stark, Head of SixthForm commented “We are excited to announce the new Senior Team, who are already settling into their new roles & providing vital support for the school. Congratulations to you all! I would also like to commend all those students who applied for a place on the Team; the calibre we saw at interview was extremely high, which made the job of choosing eight students very difficult.
I am sure our new Team will do a fantastic job in their roles & will gain much from the experience.”
As head boy, I look forward to working with fellow senior team members to have a greater responsibility in the running of the school. Helping the school excel drove me to pursue a leadership role. Now being in such a role, I aim to put words into action – helping apply my perspective and knowledge to ensure effective leadership and seamless running of the sixth form and the lower school. Whilst it may be optimistic, I hope to play a part in helping transition into the new school site, even though I may not be able to benefit from it myself.’
Luca Chandler, Head Boy
In my role as Head Girl, I’m looking forward to embracing new challenges and opportunities. I’m excited to start working with the rest of the leadership team on developing improvements for the school, as well as working on the day-to-day running of TBSHS. With this role, I am keen to catalyse changes that I think would enhance TBSHS’s welcoming nature and improve the lives of my fellow sixth formers. I wish to follow the impressive examples of the previous leadership team, ensuring that the needs of my peers are listened to and met.
Jess Brown (Head Girl)
The main goal I wish to tackle in my role as deputy head girl is to help people in the school and sixth form get better access to help for their mental wellbeing. I would like to make the school counsellor more accessible to everybody and potentially create a safe space for anyone to go to if they need it. I would also like to introduce more environmentally friendly lunch options, e.g. reducing plastic containers and cutlery, and maybe introducing more plant-based options into the lunch menu.
Olivia Everitt.
I am extremely thrilled and excited to be joining this year’s Senior Leadership Team as a Deputy Head Boy. The school has presented me with so many opportunities and therefore, I endeavour to contribute and give back to the school in the same manner. I fondly anticipate being able to help plan and organise events that showcase the students’ talent as part of my duty (“Marketing and Evening Events”). However, above all, I am looking forward to discussing and tackling different ideas with a strong, but friendly group of students.
Rohan Rana (Deputy Head Boy)
I am very excited to be taking this role and I look forward to working with the rest of the Senior Team to benefit the Sixth form, Lower School, and the wider community.’
Israel Adjei (Deputy Head Boy)
“I’m looking forward to working as a member of this team that has been created. We all have different things to add and I’m excited for us to collaborate. The greatest pressure of my role comes from the responsibility and expectations of being a member of the senior leadership team. However, I’m eager to step up to this responsibility and I hope to be a role model for other students. Most of all, I look forward to representing the school in this position.”
Thomas Walker (Deputy Head Boy)
I’m very excited and honoured to be a part of the leadership team. I am looking forward to developing the community at TBSHS and bring everyone even closer whilst also helping create new fun opportunities and activities for both genders to get involved in. I am also looking forward to sharing my TBSHS experience and tips/advice with newcomers and developing opportunities for girls across the breadth of the school.
Amelie Mason (Deputy Head Girl)
When I came to this sixth form, I knew straight away that I wanted to get involved and participate within the school by getting on the Senior Team. I worked hard to get here, and it is a privilege to be able to say that I am part of the team! With my responsibilities and role, I would like to carry over the previous senior teams work that they have put in place for the sixth form, adapting policies for example to help sixth form be an enjoyable place where students want to learn and thrive to their fullest potential while feeling part of the black and gold spirit. I want to tackle challenges as I know there will be many with my role, testing my skills and keeping my responsibilities interesting and engaging! Dedication and hard work are my next steps in this role, and I cannot wait to work with the team and to see what I have to offer this sixth form!
Daisy O’Brien (Deputy Head Girl)