Thought For The Day – Friday 16th February 2024
Above: “Black and Gold Sunset”, by Jim Feaster
Well done to Year 8 students on an excellent academic consultation evening last night. Discussions with staff, students and carers, guardians and parents were very positive and inspiring. Keep moving in a forward direction in your time at TBSHS.
Two half term educational visits have already departed and a third will follow. Thank you to all staff for their committed and dedicated leadership, particularly staff organisers. Thank you to students and families for their wonderful participation and support.
The theme of movement, specifically the movement of people, a very important topic, given both climate change and conflict, as well as the positive opportunities and responsibilities migration brings, is the theme of the characteristically creative, forward-thinking and imaginative Year 12 Art Exhibition this lunch time. Thank you to all Art staff and Year 12 Art students. There is a collection for the charity “Action Aid” as part of the exhibition. Please visit to gain a new perspective.
Whether you are travelling near, far, or staying at home, we hope you have a good, peaceful, sustainable, and restful half term. Staff, students and families all very much deserve this. Do something safely you enjoy and reach out if you have a challenge. You do not have to physically move very far to emotionally, morally and spiritually move very far. We can be positively moved by so many people and things, including books, events, nature and people.
Sometimes the very best movement is staying still wherever we are, being mindful of everything and everyone around us.
Of course, the test of a true community and society is whether we help others to move and grow, whether we help those in need. Movement for all. And yet, movement can be different and personal, but equally wonderful, for individual people.
We move. In the next few weeks, Year 11 and Year 13 students most definitely, and to a large extent Year 10 and Year 12 students, will need to think about, and act on, the positive movement in their studies as they prepare for their next move in their careers and lives. Relatively speaking, the same applies to Year 9 students who have their examinations on their return and who, with Year 8, are carefully considering their subject options for next year. Year 7 should be proud of the move they have made to TBSHS. Thank you all year groups. In the background, preparations, of course, continue for the movement of present and future staff and students to our new school facilities and site.
And, if you want to move more positively in terms of what you wish to do in life, and how you wish to do it, and for whom, remember the Kansas City Chiefs were behind significantly at half time in the last two American Football Super Bowls. Whilst the music played in the half-time shows on the field, they blocked out the noise, did not panic, reflected on their situation and performance and made the adjustments required to win both games eventually and eventfully after the interval.
We also greatly thank, and pay tribute to, Mrs. Worboys, Catering Assistant, who today moves on from TBSHS after a brilliant ten years of dedication and service to the school community.
Thank you very much Mrs. Worboys, and to all the catering team at TBSHS.
The influence and inspiration people have, and the care and service they give, is never forgotten and always very much appreciated and remembered.
Have a fabulous Friday. Play the game with respect. And thank the officials, supporters and players at the end.
Look after yourself and other people.
Thank you to all staff, students, carers, guardians and parents for everything.