Thought For The Day – Wednesday 27th November 2024
Marvellous Matt
Monday’s “White Ribbon Day”, referred to here yesterday, marked the start of sixteen days of awareness around the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. This will conclude with International Human Rights Day.
At TBSHS, we fully stand against negative sex and gender prejudice and discrimination. We fully stand against sexism and misogyny. We show that in our actions each day, both in person and on-line. We treat others as we, and our family, wish to be treated ourselves.
In the U.K., the “White Ribbon” organization has the theme: “It starts with men”.
So, this is an opportune time to re-visit the message of Matt Pinkett. Matt visited us in April 2024. Students, and staff, have had no more important speaker than Matt. This inspirational seminar was organized by Mrs. Miles.
Matt spoke about being a good and kind person and citizen. Matt spoke about being a good friend, using the literary, crime-fighting characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson as an example.
Matt is someone who has honestly and humbly reflected, researched and worked very hard over many years to formulate his observations and thoughts. His thinking is based on scientific research, social analysis and wonderful morality. Matt was reflective, humble, wise, good-humoured and outstanding.
Matt highlighted the harm and dangers of “toxic masculinity”, mental and physical ideas and stereotypes, in person and on-line, which are very damaging, dangerous, exploitative, harmful, hurtful and poisonous for all sexes and genders.
Matt gave us another way, a better way, a healthier way, a happier way, right way.
We should: never stereotype; always talk about emotions and feelings, issues and problems; see beyond the surface; be kind and tender; safely call out disrespect; be fully prepared to listen, notice and respect others and not walk on by.
Matt advocated the P.A.I.R.S. approach when helping someone with a problems: offering a visual Prompt; Asking about the issue or problem, showing engagement; giving Information that supports and helps the person; Relating to the person, sharing one’s own struggles and experiences, always showing empathy and solidarity; showing Support and giving reassurance.
This is such a great paradigm for helping anyone and everyone.
We are equal, diverse and inclusive. We appropriately, and safely, challenge wrong actions, attitudes, behaviours and words. We treat others exactly as we wish ourselves to be treated. We are compassionate, honest, humble and thoughtful. The true meaning of resilience is doing our very and respectful best with the challenges we all have.
It was International Men’s Day last week. Matt is such a great example to everyone.
Matt wishes to combat the “hyper-masculinization” of boys by society.
Matt wants to encourage “militant tenderness, kindness, vulnerability and love”.
In essence, be a caring, good and kind human, in person and on-line.