Thought For The Day – Wednesday 5th June 2024
World Environment Day
Every year, June 5th is World Environment Day.
The theme this year is: “Our Land, Our Future”.
This is an important opportunity to reflect on how we care for our local, national and international environment.
We also think about all the excellent work we have done, and continue to do, in terms of sustainability at TBSHS.
Thank you to the leadership of Mr. Reeve, Mr. Harvey, Ms. Winterburn, senior staff, the Geography, Science and Citizenship departments, and all staff and student environmental champions, leaders and representatives in every area of the school, very much including one of our newest subjects of Environmental Science, under the leadership of Mr. L. Blake.
The new school promises a very exciting ecological future, and opportunity, for the “Black, Gold and Green”.
It is about everyone positively and respectfully playing their part.
The future of the planet for everybody should continue to be a continued great concern and priority.
It is because we have a planet that we have a life, and an opportunity, now.
We ensure others in the future, our children’s children, have a happy, healthy, holistic, just, kind and peaceful environment.