Design Technology: Product Design
Subject Leader: Mr G Reynolds
Examination Board: AQA
A-Level Syllabus: 7552
Examinations: Paper 1 30% (2.5 hours) / Paper 2 20% (1.5 hours)
Non-Exam Assessment: 50%
What is A-Level Design Technology?
Product Design allows students to be creative, to take a broad view of design and use innovative techniques and materials, keeping up with new technology whilst being environmentally aware. The course is suitable for any of the Design and Technology GCSE disciplines, although best suited for students from Product Design, Resistant Materials or Graphic Products backgrounds.
What makes a good Product Designer?
A good designer is someone who can visualise the potential of a given product, to achieve maximum impact within society and a targeted audience. It is also someone who can blend true form and function. Students must be extremely committed and have a keen interest in how technology is developing with past and present designers influencing the path of Product Design.
What can I expect to learn in Design Technology?
Over the two years, students will learn how products are designed and manufactured using a variety of materials and components through both practical and theory lessons. The course allows tremendous flexibility for the final project outcome. Any material may be used, provided that the final outcome is a three dimensional product with commercial potential. Possible outcomes include innovative home-ware, furniture, sports equipment, equipment for people with disabilities, point of sale display and promotional materials. Students will look into ways that they and designers can become better contributors to society, becoming more culturally, environmentally and socially aware of how design can influence the world.
Where could Design Technology take me?
Design Technology: Product Design allows students to go on to university where they can study courses such as BA Product Design, BA Design Technology, BA Interior and Spatial Design, and various Engineering courses. Looking further into their future, possible careers which can arise from this course include Engineering, Automotive Design, Graphic Designing and many more. Subjects which combine well with Product Design would include Sciences, Art, Maths, Business Studies and Media Studies. Throughout the course there are opportunities to participate in various initiatives within and outside of the school.