Uniform and Equipment
The school takes seriously the appearance of our students on their way to and from school as this can do a great deal to promote or damage the school’s public image. We believe that the wearing of a uniform may also act as a desirable constraint on the behaviour of boys in public places since they can be readily identified to the school. The school expects parents to support its policy on uniform.
TBSHS has a high-status, high-profile school uniform, including a traditional blazer in distinctive colours that represents the Black and Gold Spirit, and insists upon all students wearing the uniform correctly at all times, in order to foster a sense of community, identity and professionalism.
In the Sixth Form, students are expected to adhere to the Sixth Form Dress Code. School uniform must be exemplary at all times.
Uniform code for boys in Years 7 to 11 (All items should be named)
- Black blazer with School badge
- Plain white shirt and School tie
- Black trousers, dark grey/black socks
- Black V-neck sweater (optional)
- Black polished shoes (no boots, trainers or ‘Converse’ type shoes)
- Plain outdoor coat.
- Top buttons must be done up, shirts tucked in and ties must be at least 7 stripes long
- Students should wear full school uniform to and from school.
- Belts (if worn) must be black.
Black/dark outdoor coat – no motifs (other than the school’s mitre) should be apparent.
School scarves are available from main office at £10 each (Optional)
Students must be clean shaven.
Ties and Blazer Badges can be purchased from the School office.
- Uniform: Esquared Clothing
- Sportswear: Tylers Sportswear
Hair must be neat and respectable, with no extremes of style. Hair should:
- be clean
- be its natural colour and should not have coloured streaks
- not be shaved any shorter than a hairdresser’s number 3
- not have any lines or symbols cut into it
- not cover the eyes
- not be sticking up with an excess of hair product.
- be no longer than the top of the shirt collar
- not be tied back by fashion accessories such as Alice bands etc.
- Students must be clean shaven.
- Parents/Carers are politely asked to escort their sons to the hairdresser, or to advise them in accordance with our policy. Any student whose hair does not meet these expectations is likely to be kept in internal suspension at break times and lunchtimes until the hair conforms more closely with the policy.
- We would consider making dispensations on cultural and religious grounds in discussion with parents/carers.
It is important students arrive on time and well equipped for every lesson they attend. This prevents disruption to their own learning as well as the learning of others and allows teachers to make the maximum use of teaching time available.
Students should come to school fully equipped for the day ahead. Please find below a list of equipment every student must have for every lesson.
- Pen blue or black and spare
- Purple or green biro pen for marking/ correction
- Pencil
- Pencil sharpener
- Rubber
- 30cm ruler
- compass
- Protractor
- Glue stick
- Paper scissors
- Calculator
- Colouring pencils
They will also need a scientific calculator, a French dictionary (not pocket), a reading book and also an apron for Design Technology and Art lessons.
A robust black bag is compulsory to minimise damage to books and files. Draw string bags are not suitable.
General Note
Each evening the timetable should be checked and the necessary books and equipment packed for the following day.
All exercise books should be covered with a plastic book cover by students; these are available at a small charge from the Main Office. If a student loses his books he may incur the cost of replacing them.
Sixth Form Dress Code 2024-25 (Taken from 6th Form Guidebook)
We are very proud of our high standards of uniform as it is very much part of our ethos. We expect our students to dress in a professional, formal and corporate manner, i.e. what you would wear in a formal office environment.
The standard of dress should be exemplary at all times and in cases of uncertainty the School’s interpretation is definitive.
Failure to adhere to our Sixth Form Uniform Expectations will result in a sanction, and any serious breaches will result in a student being sent home.
Students must choose between Choice 1 and Choice 2 as part of their compulsory Sixth Form Uniform.
Please click on the PDF below for details.
Mr George Munro
Deputy Head of Sixth Form